About Jeffrey and Da Goose Mastering
For years, Da Goose Mastering has been the primary mastering studio for numerous of artists, record labels and mixing engineers seeking a high-end mastering experience.
The service rides on its reputation of superior results and a personal, individualized approach to your music. Da Goose Mastering combines this world class mastering experience at affordable rates to produce masters that stand the test of time and whose techniques are consistently acknowledged by the industry.
“Mastering is the final step before your music is released to the world. I take that very seriously.”
In person and vision
Da Goose Mastering is driven by Jeffrey de Gans (Gans is dutch for Goose). Jeffrey was born in 1971 and was obsessed with music, sound and technique from the day he was born. At the age of 10 he started messing with tapedecks, mixers and turntables while playing his sisters disco records. Later he had his own (illegal) radio-station, worked for a drive-in-show, worked for several radio-stations, produced and released over 80 vinyl-records, owned various record-labels and played worldwide on countless parties as a DJ.One of his passions is making espresso; always fine-tuning the machines to make the perfect shot. This is something which can be found back in his mastering skills; always looking for the best and even push it just a bit more.
Da Goose Mastering (Da Goose Music) was founded as a music-production company in 1996. Jeffrey’s first real mastering-job dates back to 25 years ago and he has previously been nominated as one of the 4 best mastering-engineers from the Netherlands. Needless to say that he has a lot of experience, a great set of ears and serious knowledge of what he is doing.
“Mastering is a craft, a science and some people even call it an art-form. It’s an obsessive look at the details, without losing focus of the big picture. It’s an objective opinion, It’s about quality, presentation, and translation, and most of all, it’s about your music, and doing everything I can to help realize your vision.”
What about lectures?
Besides being a renowned mastering-engineer and owner of DuTCH.audio, Jeffrey is also a respected lecturer and inspirer in mastering, audio-standards and motivational (business) talks. Jeffrey is lecturer for SoundEducation, Albeda Music Producer and also worked for SAE Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Jeffrey is praised for his inspiring seminars and masterclasses for Izotope, Dance-Fair, ADE, SoundEducation.nl, various Conservatories, AMP/Albeda, and many more.
For more information and bookings, please contact
Jeffrey de Gans is a CRKBO registered lecturer.
What about the eco-friendly-studio approach?
“I believe in the fact that a better and healthier environment starts with yourself. That is why I have taken a lot of care about how to deal with the energy consumption.”
- Da Goose Mastering runs on Solar-power since 2012 which has been upgraded to even more panels and power in 2023.
- Lighting is done with energy friendly led-lights.
- The studio roof holds a sola-tube daylight system; less artificial lighting needed.
- Studio isolation with mineral eco wool.
- Triple layer walls and the frontwall even has 4 layers.
- The roof is covered with grass and flowers forming an ecological isolation.
- Because of the isolation, no airco is needed and electrical high-efficient plate-heaters in winter.
- Equipment not in use is switched off (which can even be done remotely).
- Equipment is shutdown during lunch-breaks and fully shutdown right after work.
- Amplifiers are Class-D which are known for extremely low power consumption.
- Computer/DAW makes use of SSD disks and low-power screens.
- For backups, a synology NAS with eco hard-drives and automatic powersave mode.
- All network, NAS and computer devices not in use after work are automatically switched of during nighttime.
- Energy consumption is constantly monitored in real-time and per set time using various monitoring systems.
Friendly service and superb, constant quality are key at Da Goose Mastering, that is why the list of satisfied customers is growing constantly.