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Strange times (19 March 2020)

Right now we are facing a world-wide life changing situation. The world has pretty much stopped moving and a lot of people are in panic on what will happen and how this is affecting their lives.

As a mastering-engineer I already 'work in quarantaine' all the time, especially since I stopped doing attended mastering-sessions some time ago. So this means that my work can pretty much continue as if 'nothing is happening', which feels strange and unreal. On the other, I work in the music-industry and I work for artists all over the planet and those artists face a way bigger problem, they can not be on stage... This means that they don't have an income out of of their performances and fully rely on their music sales, airplay and streams right now which is hard. To see things a bit more positive, as an artist you now have the time to fully focus on making music and make it the best you can! I also see some brilliant initiatives from artists doing live-streams, making songs  by request, giving online lectures and a lot more other great stuff. The world around us gets creative! But still, not a lot of income for artists. That's why I feel I also need to act to support each other. Because of this, I decided to give a temporary 33% discount  (as of the 6th of april this discount is now 15%) and flexible payment terms (60 days instead of 14 days) for artists and labels affected by the situation, starting at the 18th of March on all masteringjobs. When you make use of the online order-systemduring checkout use the coupon name "support". I will revise the situation again in April.

Stay and think positive, take care of yourself and others and don't get carried away with all the fake news.


UPDATE! The last day for this SUPPORT discount is the 5th of April. 

I decided that from the 6th of april this discount continues as a 15% discount on all orders. More info here.

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